Vancouver Fraser

Vancouver Fraser

Site Information

Number of Residents: 13 CMG, 4 IMG
Location: Vancouver, BC, Home base is New Westminster
Community: 600,000 – 2,000,000
Hospitals: Royal Columbian, Burnaby General, Mount St. Joseph’s, Richmond, BC Women’s and Children’s, Eagle Ridge Hospital, Peace Arch Hospital
Curriculum Type: Block
R2 Elective Time: 14 Weeks

Site Director Message

Welcome to the Vancouver-Fraser Site of the UBC Family Practice Residency Program!

The Vancouver-Fraser Site offers the ability to live in an urban, world-class city while allowing for a variety of clinical opportunities in community family practice clinics of different sizes, as well as in large and small hospitals across the Lower Mainland.  While our site is based at the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, your experiences will come from practices and facilities familiar with Family Practice training across the Lower Mainland.

Recently we welcomed the inclusion of two Team-Based Primary Care Learning Centres, in addition to our seasoned community practices, to our site to serve as core family practice training sites for residents.  Residents will have the experience of working independently in smaller hospitals and clinics without competing with other learners, alongside community longitudinal family physicians and focused-practice family physicians, as well as in busy hospitals alongside other specialty residents and consultants.  We also offer a significant amount of elective time and locally available electives for residents to tailor their residency to their learning needs and career interests.  We have a comprehensive academic program with a wide variety of engaging and knowledgeable speakers to enhance your family practice skills and to prepare you for the CFPC examination.

Many of our site faculty and directors are previous alumni of this site, which speaks to the enthusiasm and strength of the site and the wealth of support and mentorship they will be able to provide you through your residency and beyond.  Our administrative staff is warm and caring and will make you feel at home and supported through your residency as well.

Our site is well-connected with multiple local Divisions of Family Practice and their Primary Care Networks to allow you to familiarize yourself with the local resources and supports available to your future clinical practice.  Graduates of our program have successful careers working as community longitudinal family physicians, emergency physicians, addictions physicians, palliative care physicians, medical leaders, and a combination of the above.

We look forward to meeting you at one of our virtual (and hopefully in-person) events where we are available to answer any of your questions.

Dr. Vincent Wong, BscPharm, MD, MHA, CCFP, CHE

Dr. Amritpal Aroroa, BSc, MD, CCFP

Co-Site Directors

Vancouver-Fraser Site


Lead Resident Message

The Vancouver Fraser Site (VFS) offers the perfect balance between smaller community hospitals and high-volume, high-acuity, tertiary care academic centers. As a VFS resident, not only will you get to experience beautiful British Columbia and live in a world-class city, but you will also find yourself in a supportive, flexible program where your experience can be tailored to meet your personal learning objectives.

An advantage of our program is the access to multiple training sites. While our residents are based at the Royal Columbian Hospital, they have the opportunity to work in a variety of hospitals including Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital, Burnaby General Hospital, Richmond Hospital, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Peace Arch Hospital, and Eagle Ridge Hospital. This diverse selection of sites allows for a rich, well-rounded training experience.

At the smaller locations, residents work closely with community-based physicians and are involved in all areas of patient care, allowing for a smooth and rewarding transition into independent practice. At the tertiary care hospitals, including the Royal Columbian Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, and B.C. Women’s and Children’s Hospital, residents have the opportunity to learn from world experts in their fields. Working alongside other postgraduate trainees, you are also afforded the opportunity to engage in medical student teaching.

Specific rotations that are unique for VFS Family Practice include two to four weeks in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at BC Children’s Hospital and CTU (Clinical Teaching Unit/Internal Medicine) at Royal Columbian Hospital. In addition, residents will be provided with the option of a Sports Medicine rotation in lieu of an Orthopedic rotation at the renowned Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Centre.

Family Practice today is increasingly office based, and our site excels in training residents to be confident outpatient clinicians. At our site, residents have the opportunity to either attend an academic clinic for the first year, or be engrained in community practice for all of residency. During this second year you will also spend two months working with a Family Physician in a rural BC community of your choice.

Another important aspect of our program is that it is not service-based, as might often be expected in residents training in urban tertiary teaching centers. Our residents are given appropriate clinic duties and independence, but are also given time to explore other areas of interest within Family Medicine. Residents attend a full academic day every other week, alternating with a full call-back day with their Family Practice preceptor. This allows for continuity of care at the office, closer follow-up with your patients and maximization of academic and clinical time by reducing travel between training sites.

In the first year of training, residents are able to spend up to three half-days per week in horizontal electives during their Family Medicine block. Horizontal electives include, but are not limited to, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Healthy Heart Clinic, Maternity Care and Emergency Medicine. In second year, residents have fourteen weeks of elective time where they can pursue their own areas of interest or explore areas which they feel they need additional training. Learning is resident-driven; the program can be molded to fit each individual learner’s needs. All UBC residents are given four weeks of vacation with minimal restrictions for vacation times for the Vancouver Fraser site. As per the PAR-BC agreement, residents also get 5 consecutive days off at either Christmas or New Years.

Socially, we see each other every other week at our academic days. We are also fortunate to have well-funded resident retreats twice a year. Recently some of our retreats have been held in Whistler and Harrison Hot Springs. Outside of formal retreats, co-residents are often very close and get together frequently for anything from dinners to trivia nights to travel overseas!

The graduates of our program have gone on to successfully work as office-based clinicians, hospitalists, and as physicians with enhanced skills in both urban, sub-urban and rural settings. Some of the enhanced skills that residents have acquired include Maternity Care, Emergency Medicine, Addictions Medicine and Women’s Health.

Thank you for your interest in our site and we look forward to meeting you at our Virtual Events. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us.

Your Vancouver Fraser Lead Residents,

Dr. Angela Choi & Dr. Adrian Dzugalo