IMGs seeking to be matched to a residency position in British Columbia for CaRMS 2018 and beyond are required to participate in UBC’s Clinical Assessment Program (CAP). The CAP provides a transparent and equitable process designed to support UBC residency programs not only assess candidates’ past clinical experience, but evaluate their potential for success in residency training and suitability for working in communities across B.C. For more information about UBC’s Clinical Assessment Program, visit the IMG Office website.

Yes. All applicants must have passed the NAC and MCCQE 1. See CaRMS eligibility criteria.

All language test results must be submitted by the start of the rank order period.

For those applicants who are required to submit evidence of IELTS testing but are having difficulty in securing English language testing appointments due to COVID related restrictions please contact UBC PGME at postgrad@postgrad.med.ubc.ca for more information.

No. Third year training can only be pursued after the fulfillment of Return of Service contract.

Yes. Canadian citizens studying abroad are considered IMGs and must follow the criteria outlined for IMGs. For more information about UBC’s Clinical Assessment Program, visit the IMG Office website.

A copy of the return of service contract can be found on the UBC IMG website.