Northern Rural – Prince George
Site Information
Number of Residents: 5 CMG Northern Rural (plus 6 CMG and 4 IMG at the Prince George site)
Location: Prince George, BC
Community: 72,000
Hospital: The University Hospital of Northern British Columbia
Curriculum Type: Block
R2 Elective Time: 16 Weeks
Site Director Message
Hi, welcome to the Northern Rural site. We are passionate about rural medicine with a northern context. If you are interested in the north, and in full service rural practice, please read on…
Our site is for you if:
- You are interested in full-service Family Practice which includes office, hospital care, ER, and/or obstetrics.
- You are interested in rural medicine
- You are interested in rural locums
- You want to develop a solid foundation of acute care and ER Family Practice skills to apply for an R3 ER or GPA program (we have 4 weeks of ER and 4 weeks of ICU during R1)
- You want a rigorous, diverse, and relevant clinical experience with lots of rural influence.
This site is probably not for you if:
- You want to work in a Family Practice office only setting
- You want to sub-specialize into a narrow scope of Family Practice [we do have numerous specialty clinic experiences available but our overall focus is on family practice]
- You enjoy traffic and unaffordable housing
So what makes us unique?
- We have a strong focus on northern and rural medicine. This involves heavy on call responsibility and lots of training in emergency and acute care medicine to have you ready to run that rural ER and hospital once you are done.
- We believe in resident autonomy. Whenever possible, we try and tailor the rotations and experiences to meet the needs of our residents. Autonomy = wellness!
- We offer optional rural experiences during some of our core R1 rotations. This will take advantage of smaller communities with more one-on-one time with specialists and Family Physicians in an enthusiastic atmosphere. This will be balanced with the volume and experience of the preceptors in Prince George, one of UBC’s most established residency sites.
- We are currently offering mentorship in rural committee work and policy development for those interested in involvement with provincial rural networks.
- We are incorporating frequent SIM lab sessions and ultrasound teaching (COVID restrictions depending) throughout the residency.
Who am I?
I am James Card, the site director for the Prince George and the Northern Rural Family Practice Programs. I am a UBC Northern Medical Program graduate and a graduate of the Prince George Family Practice Residency Program. I am currently a rural physician with my clinical practice in Valemount. I am passionate about full-service family practice and Rural medicine. It is my goal to create a program that excels in transitioning residents into competent and confident physicians for Northern and Rural British Columbia and Canada.
Who are we?
The Prince George and Northern Rural site is one of the largest and most established of the UBC Family Practice residency sites. We have been training residents in Prince George since 1995.
Our hospital is unique for a community this size as most inpatients are still managed by their family physician. We do not have a hospitalist model here. The focus is on full-service Family Practice. Numerous community-based Family Physicians also work in emergency and many do obstetrics, including many of our graduates.
Historically we are known for extensive hands-on training from enthusiastic preceptors. There is also ample opportunity for teaching as Prince George is home to the Northern Medical Program.
I’ll be honest, our site has also been known for hard work. The call here is heavy, with diverse experiences. We are paying close attention to the volume and diversity of clinical experiences to ensure that our residents are appropriately prepared for independent practice. We produce strong residents (…and strong physicians)! I have heard this from numerous other rural Physicians and I have seen this personally as a rural preceptor, working with residents from all over the province.
The community:
There’s a frequent saying in Prince George, “I came here on a 2-year plan”. As a transplant from the Vancouver area myself, my 2-year plan is now going on 20. There are many reasons for this. This is truly a multicultural and diverse community of friendly people and ample opportunities.
- Medical community – most of the family physicians here are graduates of our program, there is a reason they stick around!
- Housing – affordable. Many residents buy. Enough said.
- Amenities – the community is just big enough for a Costco, two indoor swimming pools and multiple other recreational facilities
- Opportunity – many opportunities for spouses, children and family including a community college and a university.
- The outdoors – truly amazing. I could go on for hours, please ask. If you are into it, chances are you can do it here. This includes things you would not expect. Sailing? I had a boat here for six years. Diving? Yes, that too. Really, anything!
- Student loan forgiveness! – yes, you get that too as a resident here.
As is probably obvious by now, I believe Prince George and our program has much to offer the Resident who is interested in hands on hard work with the goal of becoming an excellent, independent, full service, fulfilled Family Physician who can practice competently anywhere.
If you are interested, please reach out to either myself or our residents.
Lead Residents – pg.fm.leads@gmail.com
R1 Reps – pg.fm.reps@gmail.com
I hope to chat with you soon!
Dr. James Card MD, CCFP
Dr. Bron Finkelstein MD, CCFP
Click here to view the site presentation.
Learn more about the City of Prince George here. Further details on Northern Health are here.
Lead Resident Message
Welcome to the Northern Rural program!
We are a passionate group dedicated to rural medicine, embracing the adventure that comes with it, even in winter. Our program offers five residency positions, training residents for full-scope rural practice and various future settings. Many of our graduates are now working across rural BC, in emergency departments, or focusing on specialties like Addictions medicine or Women’s Health.
The Northern Rural program spans two years: R1 is based in Prince George, while R2 offers elective opportunities in rural communities.
Year 1: Prince George Homebase
In R1, you’ll be in Prince George, a major hub with a population of 75,000 and a catchment area of 320,000. You’ll enjoy increased independence, as there are few learners on service. The call schedule can be demanding—one-in-four on most rotations—but the tight-knit resident community and call-free Fridays foster a supportive environment.
Prince George offers ample outdoor activities, from hiking to skiing, with no traffic making it easy to fit adventures into your day. The city boasts great restaurants, breweries, and cafes for you to explore.
Year 2: Choose Your Adventure
In R2, you’ll rotate through various rural communities, including Cranbrook, Fernie, and Smithers, among others. The rotations involve Family clinic, ED, anesthesia, and more, tailored to your interests. You’ll gain valuable hands-on experience and independence, allowing you to manage complex cases with staff support.
As one resident noted, the level of independence in Prince George is unique, providing an invaluable opportunity to handle challenging cases while still having guidance.
If you’re adventurous and passionate about rural medicine, the Northern Rural program could be a great fit for you! We look forward to meeting you at our virtual open house.
Drs. Erin Slade and Aidan Goertzen