Kelowna Rural
Site Information
Number of Residents: 6 CMG, 3 IMG
Location: Kelowna, BC
Community: 142,000
Hospital: Kelowna General
Distance from Vancouver: 391 km
Curriculum Type: Block / Integrated
R2 Elective Time: 16 Weeks
Site Director Message
Thank you for your interest in the Kelowna Rural Family Practice Program.
In this carefully designed program, residents spend their first year based in the Okanagan. The majority of rotations occur at Kelowna General Hospital. Some rotations, such as first-year family practice, are completed in practicing physicians’ offices in Kelowna or surrounding area. These preceptors, and those in our rural communities, are world class teachers with an incredible wealth of knowledge and skill.
During the second year of training, residents complete two 16 week rotations in rural/remote communities in BC and the Northwest Territories. In these communities, residents work alongside experienced rural preceptors who provide excellent teaching and role modeling of remote and rural practice. 16 weeks of elective time is offered in the second year with 4 of those weeks in an acute care setting. International elective rotations are also encouraged. The second-year finishes with a 4 week ‘Transition to Practice’ rotation.
We will prepare you to practice in non-urban settings while stressing the importance of balancing personal needs with professional commitment.
Time and experience has demonstrated that the best candidates for our program are those who are looking for adventure and exciting medicine in a non-urban full-spectrum family practice community. Candidates usually have an interest in the recreational and outdoor potential of rural communities. Such “rational risk-takers” stand out from the average resident based on their activities, experiences, and attitudes.
The best promoters for the Rural program are the current residents and grads. We would be happy to put you in touch with these colleagues if you wish to communicate with them directly. Otherwise, have a serious look at our website and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Dr. Robert D Sebastian, MD, CCFP Site Director
Dr. Robert D Sebastian
Click here to view the site presentation.
Learn more about the City of Kelowna here.
Lead Resident Message
The Kelowna Rural residency program offers a unique experience, combining a year in Kelowna with invaluable learning from specialists and family doctors, followed by a second year immersed in two different rural locations across British Columbia. This blend of urban and rural medicine equips residents for diverse careers in family medicine.
The R1 year gives an opportunity to connect with the incredible faculty and your co-residents in the rural and regional programs. You will feel well supported by the attendings at Kelowna General Hospital and are often one the few learners on the service. You will connect with your co-residents during weekly academic half day, with sessions that can be tailored to address gaps in the residents’ learning. R1 also gives plenty of opportunity to explore the beautiful Okanagan, from wine tasting at one of the many wineries, exploring the numerous green spaces in the area, sipping coffee at a local café, basking in the sun by the lake, or checking out the snow at Big White.
After spending a year falling in love with the Okanagan, R2 takes you on exciting adventures across BC. This year includes two 4-block rural rotations and four blocks of electives, offering ample opportunities for growth as you begin your transition to staff. In the rural sites, you’ll integrate into communities and balance clinic work, emergency department management, inpatient rounding, and collaboration with local specialties. While being away from familiar supports can be challenging, residents consistently rave about their enriching rural experiences.
The Kelowna Rural program is ideal for those who want to experience both urban and rural medicine, embody a “work hard, play hard” mindset, and will happily embrace the challenges that come with rural medicine.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions,
Dr. Jessica Round